Sale Horses
Quinella MBE
3yo Bay Gelding Mature 16.1-2hh
Questing R x Bluefields Floreno
Quinella MBE's sire Questing R has competed at FEI with Heath Ryan and his sire is Quaterback. Quinella's dam is Floriana MBE who is by World Equestrian Games representative Bluefields Floreno and out of Cooramin Riviera who I rode to meidum level and she is since gone on to FEI. Plenty of potenially to go to FEI.
He is well handled and ready to break in. Easy to catch, tie up, float, lunge with roller on. His paces are beyond amazing!
Morrissey MBE
2023 Bay Gelding Mature 16.1-2hh
Morricone x Furstenball
Morrissey MBE was elite classified at the 2024 ACE assessment tour.
Total Fortune MBE
2023 Black Gelding Mature approx. 16.1hh
Total Hope x Furstenball/Lauries As
Total Fortune MBE is sired by Total Hope, who was top 10 in the Freestyle at the Paris 2024 Olympics. His parents are the very famous Totilas (Gold Medalist with Edward Gal) and Weihegold (Gold Medalist with Isabel Werth).
Total Fortune has great paces, easy to handle and do everything with. He is very unique with one blue eye which is quite rare on a solid coloured horse. This will not cause him any issues just makes him stand out in the crowd.
Quantum MBE
2yo Bay Gelding Mature aprox 16hh
Questing R x Bluefields Floreno
Quantum MBE's sire Questing R has competed at FEI with Heath Ryan and his sire is Quaterback. Quantum's dam is Floriana MBE who is by World Equestrian Games representative Bluefields Floreno and out of Cooramin Riviera who I rode to meidum level and she is since gone on to FEI.